Cold Turkey might be the easiest way to top smoking

      Thousands and thousands of people smoke worldwide, but the thought of quitting an addiction is difficult at all. A new study revealed that cold turkey might be the best remedy to quit smoking and they also conculded that people who give up cigarettes for once and for all are more likely to be successful than someone who smokes daily. Resaearchers looked over 700 people that are heavy smokers in England whom wanted to end smoking overall. The study consisted of half of the participants to quit abruptly — that is, pick a quit day when they would give up smoking entirely. The other half were told to scale back their cigarettes gradually for two weeks leading up to their quit day. Resaerchers gave each participant different nicotine patches for two weeks usage and during this time the group got patches and gum. After the quit day, both of the different groups recieved short-acting therapy in addition to counseling.

       This study enabled for researchers to find that almost 50% of the participants were not smoking by a month after their quit day comparing to the almost 40% of people who compared to the same day. A person’s attitude about quitting helps that specific person or people to beome successful, but if you don’t have the mind set to not give up and to change your ways, you’ll have a difficult time quitting to not quitting. Eriksen said,”I used to smoke and stopped cold turkey and never touched a cigarette since and it’s been over 40 years,” and she also conculded,”To me it was really a matter of doing it and being fed up, but also liking smoking and knowing I couldn’t stop gradually.”

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